Elinor Rupert

Our intelligent, reliable, jovial, and fearsomely independent car, who has taken us over 7000 miles, has just died.

Luckily, we are in the middle of the desert and so the sun is shining, and there are plenty of snakes. Phew! I’m trying to convince one to give me an apple.

We had named the car Elinor Rupert after an intelligent, reliable, jovial, and fearsomely independent pioneer of the American West.

A lovely human being is helping us now. His name is Hugo. Human beings are great. You wouldn’t want to rely on a turkey vulture to give you a lift to a garage. None of them even stopped to see if we were OK!

Looks like Elinor is too expensive to fix. I think she is going to stay in Texas. We are going to hitch to the Grand Canyon, I guess.

The desert is HOT.